Young Life Philippines, Inc. is a non-denominational, non-sectarian Christian organization that aims to give every Filipino kid an honest introduction to Jesus Christ.

Since 1970, Young Life Philippines, Inc. has been at the forefront in the mission of bringing Filipino kids from all over the Visayas to opportunities where they can have honest introductions to Jesus Christ.

Christ is the strongest, grandest, most attractive personality ever to grace this earth, but a careless messenger with the wrong approach can reduce all this magnificence to a level of boredom.

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Hermilo Arimas

Area Director Iloilo West and Pavia

Fritzel Faith Calunsag

Area Director Bacolod Southsyd

Edgardo Trasporte

Metro Director Panay

Dayanara Jai Alpuerto

Area Director Dipolog


Monthly Devotion: First Half of 2024 - June 2024

Philippians 4:6-7
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

The month of June is about to end, and half the year has gone by. This time of the season, do you feel like your cup is half full or half empty?

I think most of us are honestly discontent with how the first half of the year turned out. Some of us even feel that the cup is getting more and more empty. I have struggled with this thought for the past few weeks. A lot of things have been going on, everyone is so busy, and many things were already done, but I just couldn’t feel I had done enough. I’ve been feeling drained.

Until one ordinary afternoon, while I was with a volunteer, she randomly opened her wallet and pulled out a card. it was the card I gave her last year before she took her entrance exam at her dream university. And on that card, I wrote the verse Philippians 4:6-7: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

What a simple but striking way for God to remind me about the obvious things I need to do as a follower of Christ. I felt very emotional as we read the verse together because I realized I’ve become comfortable worrying when I should be praying and thanking God for always being there to help me fill up my cup every day.

The verse may make the phrase “in every situation” sound so easy, but knowing what the apostle Paul went through as he was writing these verses as an encouragement made me more convinced that nothing is too big or too little to bring to our Lord. The peace of God that surpasses all understanding will surely keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus as we continue to fill up our cups with His promises and His greater plans for our lives.

What a great comfort, encouragement, and assurance this reminder is as we continue to fulfill our life purpose for the next half of 2024.

Dear Heavenly Father, I confess—I am so sorry—that I often choose worry over prayer, Lord. Thank You that You never get tired of calling and inviting me to surrender all my worries to You. Thank You for the abundant first half of the year, Lord. I continue to ask for Your guidance and Your blessing as we pursue the next half. May Your peace and comfort remain and radiate in our hearts as we continue to live our lives as Your children. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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Monthly Devotion: Gratitude And Endurance - May 2024

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation."
- Psalm 100:4-5

I think the Lord is telling me a couple of things with this passage:
1.) That gratitude and thanksgiving is essential when it comes to serving Him and His ministry, and
2.) That He is the ultimate source of resilience and sustainability.

First, GRATITUDE IS KEY. Before we enter His courts, we need to have a spirit of thanksgiving. We need to be thankful for all that He has granted us, and we need to maintain a posture of humility and submission to His will and purpose. We won't be able to be in a thankful spirit if we do not submit to the Lord's plan for us and if we refuse to acknowledge His sovereignty. We start by ACKNOWLEDGING that our LORD is GOD. We praise Him and celebrate Him. We thank Him and not whine about what we think are shortcomings of His plan. There are no mistakes in His work---just us refusing to see His will and forcing our own.

Second, HIS LOVE ENDURES. Because His love endures, and because it is His faithfulness that continues throughout generations, we can securely say that He is the ultimate source of what stands the test of time. He is the prime supplier of what lasts beyond our lifetime. Even if we can't, HIS love endures forever. We cling to Him to see what resilience really is. When we think we can do things OUR way, those things will never last. Our fallible nature would not allow it. But if we hinge our plans, dreams, and hopes to Him then those would stand the test of time. For He is faithful FOREVER.

This may seem like a hard task to do (and for the most part, it is), but this is simply because we have grown so accustomed to picking and choosing what WE think living the Christ-centered life should be. That sounds more like a self-centered life, disguised as something else entirely. We need to let go of the tantrums and embrace the fulfilling purpose the Lord has for us.

Yes, we indeed are sinful by nature, but with a God so loving, so forgiving, and so powerful, He had overcome our sin and overturned our verdict. We need to start embracing HIS act of salvation, and in turn, HIS plan and will for our lives. The gates are open, and courts are filled to the brim with praise.

Dear God,
Thank you for saving us. And thank you for continuing to be patient with us. May you keep on opening our eyes to the wonders of your plan, and may you keep turning our heads away from the atrocities of our selfishness. May the light of gratitude and humility shine on the darkest corners of our hearts. Thank you for loving us unconditionally.
In Your name we pray,

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Leverage Camp Is Coming!

Our long-awaited Leverage Camp is BACK! Unlike our other camps, This once-a-year discipleship program is designed to give participants a deeper, more insightful camping experience.

Leverage campers have to be 16 years old and older to join, and would need the approval of their local YL area staff. So if you or anyone you know is interested, make sure to contact your local YL area staff. You can find their contact details here (https://younglifeph.org/the-yl-philippines-team) or you can email us at [email protected].

Slots are LIMITED for this unique YL camping adventure! Sign up for Leverage Camp today!

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